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How To Filter Data Using Anti Join In Excel With Power Query

Automating your data filtering and cleaning processes can be such a huge time saver. For today’s video, George is going demonstrate how you can compare and merge queries by using Anti Join in Excel with Power Query.

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Solved: Pass a Parameter to a SQL Query in Power Query

I’ve done a fair amount of research around dynamic and parameterized queries, specifically around an Excel query parameter, as in trying to pass a parameter to a SQL query in Power Query.  After much trial and error, I finally have found a solution that works.  Here’s the quick and easy way to do this and harness the power of query folding.  This solution works in Excel – the process is a bit different in Power BI.

Please note that this post assumes you are at least moderately familiar with Power Query and SQL querying. Your mileage may vary depending on your situation.

In my example, “SParameter” is the name of the parameter I am using, and it represents a store number (retail location identifier). The related field in my SQL table is [Store].

Create the parameter:

  • Add a table, with a single record and column.  This can be on any tab in your workbook.
  • Add this table into Power Query by selecting the table, then Data > From Table/Range.  When the query editor opens, if necessary, change the data type (in my case I need it to be text).
  • Right click on the record and select “Drill Down”.  Since you have only a single record, this step will automatically create a parameter.
  • In the properties, I name this SParameter (you may enter the name of your choice for your parameter).  Note that the name is case sensitive.

Create the SQL query:

Build your SQL query as normal, but note that we are not going to put a where clause in referencing the new parameter here (see “Why Not Include the Parameter in the SQL Statement” section below).  Here’s my simple query example – notice that I’m not including the store field in the criteria section of the query though this is the field my parameter will ultimately filter on.

Select * FROM Storelist WHERE OpenDate < GetDate()-365

If you think like me, you may be pausing here – my table has millions of records and I don’t want them all pulling in – don’t worry, this is the beauty of the process.

  • Write your SQL statement in Power Query as noted above.
  • When the Query Editor returns the columns and record sampling, for the field you will be using your parameter, filter with any single value (Text Filters > Equals). This is simply a placeholder, to create the Power Query M formula for the next step.
  • You will now see that filtering in the formula bar. 
  • Replace the placeholder value with the name of your parameter, removing any quotes from the placeholder.  This is how it looks for me: = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Store] = SParameter).
  • Power Query is smart enough to modify its native query to use the parameter, so it’s not going to pull in the millions of records and then filter after the fact.  Success!!  This is the power of Query Folding!
  • Side note – if you are wondering about GetDate(), this is the SQL current system date, so in a way this is technically a dynamic parameter as well.  In my case, the query will only return stores with an open date that is older than 365 days based on today’s date.  You may find this useful for your query as well.

Why Not Include the Parameter in the SQL Statement?

In the SQL statement, logic would lead us to add the store number/SParameter as part of the criteria in the select statement.  It may seem counter intuitive, but we cannot successfully put the parameter directly into the SQL code/query.  I have tried several times, but the challenge is that you are combining data sources and at this time, this is not allowed due to the built in security (SParameter portion is local, SQL portion is external).

If you are tempted to test this yourself, the format would be Select * FROM Storelist WHERE Open < GetDate()-365 and Store = “&SParameter&”.  You will likely run into this error “Formula.Firewall: Query ‘SParameter (2)’ (step ‘Filtered Rows’) references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination.”

I truly hope this post helped you out.  If so, please feel free to leave a comment below letting me know so, and if you’d like, add what you’d like me to cover in a future post. Also, feel free to share this with someone else who may find it useful.

Please bookmark and subscribe to my blog!  I am always curating and adding new, relevant content! Thanks so much!

Also, be sure to check out Dose for Excel (click image below)!  Add over 100 functions to Excel to increase your productivity and more!  They have a free trial right now, so you can try it out today!  Disclosure: this is an affiliate link, so I may earn a small commission if you decide to purchase the add-in.  Thanks for supporting my blog!

Dose for Excel - +100 Functions

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Power Query Filter Rows by NOT Contains Criteria – Single Formula Solution

Learn how to filter a table based on NOT Contains Criteria. Download an example workbook here.

Easy step by step instructions below.  See a single formula solution using the functions Splitter.SplitByAnyDelimiter, List.Count and Table.SelectRows. Amazing formula solution from Power Query Poet, Bill Szysz.

Please watch the video if you’d like for a guided walkthrough and also another method that can be useful for multiple tables.  

Criteria Table

  1. Create a new, separate table with the list of terms you will want to exclude. Name the table “NoCriteria”.
  2. Add the excluded item (NoCriteria) table to Power Query – click within table, under Data menu, choose From Table/Range, which is in the Get and Transform data section.
  3. In the Power Query window, select the Transform menu and click convert to list.
  4. Under the File menu, choose Close and Load To, then choose Connection Only.

Building the Filtering via Power Query

  1. Add or create the list/table that will ultimately be filtered.
  2. Click any cell within the table that will be filtered. Add the excluded item table to Power Query (click within table, under Data menu, choose From Table/Range, which is in the Get and Transform data section).
  3. In the Power Query window, click the Add Column menu, and select Custom Column.
  4. In the window that opens, type this:

    = Table.SelectRows(#”Changed Type”, each List.Count (Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiter(NoCriteria)([PRODUCT_NAME]))=1)

  5. Change [PRODUCT_NAME] in that text to your own column in the table that you will be filtering on if it is different.
  6. Select the statement you have typed in and copy it (you will need to paste this formula in a following step).
  7. Click OK. You will see that the formula you typed was changed by the program and a column was added.
  8. To change the formula back, click the menu bar, highlight the entire text and then replace by pasting in the formula you copied. Hit enter.
  9. The extra column should be removed and the table should be filtered on you criteria from the NoCriteria table.
  10. Click the File menu, choose Close and Load To, then choose where you would like the newly filtered table loaded to.

Any time changes are made to the exclusion list, you will need to refresh the filtered table. Simply right click any cell within the filtered table, and select Refresh.


Bonus – Filtered table with the excluded items only (not shown in video)

You can additionally create a filtered table that only includes the terms in your NoCriteria table!  

  1. To do this, go into Power Query.  Right click on your filtered table and click Duplicate.
  2. In that new table, you will very slightly change the existing formula in your Power Query to not equal one (see orange text):

    = Table.SelectRows(#”Changed Type”, each List.Count (Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiter(NoCriteria)([PRODUCT_NAME]))<>1)

  3. Hit enter.  The table should now only filter on the items in your exclusion list, instead of including them.
  4. Click the File menu, choose Close and Load To, then choose where you would like the newly filtered table loaded to.

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Average Last 3 Customer Sales: Power Query, DAX Measure or Worksheet Formula

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In this video learn how to Average a customers last three sales (last three dates) using Excel Worksheet Formulas, Power Query M Code and a Power Pivot & Power BI DAX Measure.
1. (00:07) Introduction
2. (00:50) Sort Method
3. (02:09) Excel Worksheet Formulas, including AGGREGATE and AVERAGEIFS functions.
4. (05:27) LARGE Function and New Excel Office 365 Calculation Engine
5. (08:15) Power Query M Code, including Table.Sort, List.Average and List.FirstN M Code functions
6. (12:46) Power Query Parameter Query with condition coming from Excel Worksheet
7. (14:05) Power Pivot & Power BI DAX Measure, including TOPN, CALCULATE and AVERAGE DAX Functions
8. (17:08) DAX Parameter from Excel Worksheet using VALUES DAX Function.
9. (18:43) Add new records to table and test formulas
10. (19:00) Fix Power Query Table.Sort bug using Dummy Insert Column
11. (20:08) Fix Power Query Table.Sort bug using Table.Sort function inside Table.Group Function
12. (22:12) Conclusion

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Using Locale in Power Query Power BI: Import & Append Text Files from Different Countries – MSPTDA 12

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Comprehensive video about using Locale Settings so that Power Query interprets Dates and Numbers from different parts of the world correctly. In this Video learn about how to use the “Using Locale…” Feature and Regional Settings to import Text Files from Different Countries so that Dates and Numbers in Different Formats can be interpreted correct, and the multiple Text Files and be Appended into a single table. Also see how to change the Locale settings on individual columns.

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (00:25) Text Files from Different Countries have Different Date and Number Formats
3. (02:40) Change Regional Settings in Power Query and Power BI Desktop
4. (04:28) Using Locale… Feature on Single Columns to interpret Dates and Numbers Correctly
5. (06:50) Convert ISO Dates to Proper Dates in Power Query
6. (08:04) Power BI Desktop: Import Multiple Text Files with Different Date and Number Formats From Folder and Append. See 1) Create Table in Power BI Desktop, 2) Build Custom Function 3) Import Text Files From Folder and Append
7. (20:30) Summary

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Which Power Query Steps Are Used in SQL Query Folding? “View Native Query” feature! – MSPTDA 11.5

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In this Video discusses the new “View Native Query” feature in Power BI Desktop Power Query and Office 365 Excel Power Query to determine which of the Applied Steps are sent back to the SQL Server Database as part of Query Folding.

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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Power Query to Import from SQL Server Database in Excel or Power BI Desktop – MSPTDA 11

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In this Video learn how to connect to an SQL Server Database and extract and transform data using Power Query in Excel and Power BI Desktop.

1. (00:16) Introduction
2. (00:32) What is an SQL Server Database
3. (02:19) The Goal of our Queries and a look at the end result reports in Excel
4. (03:04) Comparing and Contrast using 1) Using Power Query User Interface or 2) Writing SQL Code in Power Query
5. (04:46) Example 1: Use Power Query User Interface to connect to SQL Server and Extract, Transform and Load Data.
6. (11:27) Example 2: Write SQL Code to connect to SQL Server and Extract, Transform and Load Data.
7. (14:44) Example 3: Using Power BI Desktop to connect to SQL Server and Import multiple Tables.
8. (18:29) Summary

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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Formula.Firewall Error in Power Query & Power BI: Rebuild This Data Combination Solved (MSPTDA 9.5)

Learn how to deal with Power Query Error: Formula.Firewall: Query references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination. Two solutions are presented in this video.
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Ken Puls blog about this topic:

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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Power BI M Code for Moving Annual Total (MAT): Custom Function Power Query Custom Column – MSPTDA 10

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In this Video learn Power Query M Code and Custom Functions to calculate Moving Annual Toatls.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (01:10) Comment from YouTube that inspired the video. Verbal Description of the Data Model Transformation we want to make, including the Moving Annual Total Calculation.
3. (02:07) Thanks to Bill Szysz for Custom Function.
4. (02:18) Excel Example of Moving Annual Total
5. (03:30) Why Power Query and not Excel or DAX?
6. (03:43) Look at final solution and Custom Function to see what we are trying to accomplish, including a method to filter a table with in a Custom Column in Another Table and have the formula see criteria from the the Inner Table and the Outer Table.
7. (05:37) Step 1: Look at how we imported files
8. (06:07) Step 2: Extract a Sorted Unique List from the source Facet Table. Use Production Operator to get a List, then use the Table.Distinct and Table.Sort functions.
9. (07:31) Step 3: M Code to create a Crossjoin of all combinations of Months and Product Names with the steps: Extract Column, Convert to Start of Month, Extract Min and Max Dates, use List.Dates function to create range of dates, then merge using Custom Column to get all combinations of Months and dates.
10. (14:39) Step 4: Group BY Date and Product to get Monthly Totals.
11. (16:25) Step 5: Create Final Table with the steps: Merge Step 3 and Step 4, Remove Nulls, Add Custom Column to get One Year Back.
12. (20:15) Step 5: Sort and how it is different than Excel Sport.
13. (21:25) Step 5: Table.Buffer Function allows us to Buffer the Internal Table to prevent a call to the source table for every row in the table.
14. (22:22) Step 5: create Custom Column with Function to Calculate Moving Annual Totals (MAT).
15. (28:41) Add new data to test if everything updates
16. (29:06) Summary

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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MSPTDA 09 Power Query Complete M Code Introduction: Values, let, Lookup, Functions, Parameters, More

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In this Video learn the basics of M Code, the computer language behind queries in Power Query.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (03:46) Edit M Code: Applied Steps
3. (03:46) Edit M Code: Formula Bar
4. (03:46) Edit M Code: Advanced Editor
5. (09:50) Expressions
6. (09:50) let expressions
7. (17:34) Comments in M Code
8. (21:11) Values: Primitive, List, Record, Table, Function
9. (30:45) Lookup or Projection and Selection. Learn about Row Index Lookup and Key Match lookup
10. (42:50) Primary Keys
11. (50:20) Custom Functions
12. (57:44) Parmenter Queries
13. (01;02:27) Underscore Character _
14. (01:06:17) Summary
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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MSPTDA 08.5: Power Query Group By Unique List or Consecutive Occurrences

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In this Video learn how to use Power Query’s Group By feature to Group By and create a unique list with aggregate calculations or create a Group By Report based on Consecutive Occurrences of items in a given column with aggregate calculations.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (00:37) What is Group By Report based on Consecutive Occurrences?
3. (01:27) Group By feature to Group By and create a unique list with aggregate calculations
4. (03:15) Learn about how Gear Icon can Disappear when you alter the M Code, which means the dialog box disappears.
5. (05:12) Learn about the difference between Duplicating a Query and Referencing a Query.
6. (05:12) Group By Report based on Consecutive Occurrences of items in a given column with aggregate calculations. Use the forth argument and GroupKind.Local
7. (07:27) Summary
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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MSPTDA 08: Power Query Group By feature & Table.Group Function (5 Examples)

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In this Video learn all about Power Query’s Group By feature. See Four Examples of how to use Group By to Calculate Total Sales, Standard Deviation, Join Names and Rank Sales.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (01:30) What Does Power Query Group By feature do?
3. (02:58) Examples of PivotTable, SUMIFS, Data Model PivotTable and SQL Code to see that Power Query Group By is VERY Similar
4. (05:55) Example of Simple Power Query Group By Command for Total Sales
5. (08:50) First Look at Table.Group Power Query Function
6. (10:17) Example of using Group by to get Tables of Grouped Records, or Matching Records
7. (11:55) Standard Deviation Custom Column Based on Grouped Records Table
8. (14:41) Joined Text Items from Unique List formula in Custom Column Based on Grouped Records Table
9. (16:23) Detail look at Table.Group Function. Edit and create arguments in Third Argument to List Multiple New Columns with Formulas
10. (21:32) Power Query Group By to Help Rank Sales for Each Product
11. (26:24) Group By More Than One Column
12. (27:11) Fast Trick for Group By: Placeholder Function
13. (28:51) Add new data and see that everything updates.
14. (29:38) Summary
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.

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