Excel Magic Trick 1472: Count Between (or Above and Below) Upper & Lower Limits (7 Examples)

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1. (00:11) Introduction
2. (01:58) Ex 1: Between Upper & Lower Limits: =COUNTIFS Function
3. (04:45) Ex 2: Between Upper & Lower Limits: =DCOUNT Function
4. (07:00) Ex 3: Between Upper & Lower Limits: =COUNTIFS so we can copy down a column
5. (09:44) Ex 4: Above & Below an Upper and Lower Limit: Two COUNTIFS
6. (13:33) Ex 5: Above & Below an Upper and Lower Limit: DCOUNT Function
7. (14:22) Ex 6: Above & Below an Upper and Lower Limit: SUMPRODUCT & COUNTIFS in an array formula
8. (19:50) Ex 7: Above & Below an Upper and Lower Limit: Two COUNTIFS so we can copy down the column
9. (21:09) Summary
COUNTIFS Count Between Upper and Lower Limits
COUNTIFS Count Above and Below Upper and Lower Limits
Counting With Criteria
Counting With Conditions

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