Unbelievable New Stock Market Data Tools in Microsoft 365 Excel!!! Excel Magic Trick 1731

Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/EMT1731.xlsx
Learn how to get stock market data for financial stocks Faster and Easier than ever using Microsoft 365 Excel:
1. (00:00) Introduction
2. (00:23) Stock Data Types. Including looking up columns of stock market data with one click.
3. (01:51) Dot Lookup Operator. Lookup stock market data without VLOOKUP.
4. (02:40) STOCKHISTORY Function. Lookup stock market data for a stock based on a start and end date.
5. (03:20) Formatted Number Values. Numbers that automatically contains Number Formatting.
6. (03:45) SORT Dynamic Array Functions. Sort stocks prices latest date to earliest date.
7. (04:56) Add new stock name to Excel Table and whole spreadsheet updates! Amazing!!!
8. (05:22) Summary, Closing and Video Links

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