Wow! Excel Custom Data Types From JavaScript API – 2451

How to create your own custom data types in Excel using ScriptLab and the Javascript API.

Important Links:

Try out the workbook with my custom data types:!As7G72Sl487JliYRnUs0P4hYYNQj?e=rIL25J

Github for the example using a Custom Function:
<a href="" target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>

Github for the example using an add-in:

Table of Contents
(0:00) The quest for a perfect custom data type
(1:50) Download a workbook with working custom data types
(3:54) The back-end API
(5:17) ScriptLab add-in
(8:33) ScriptLab Function
(10:49) Visual Studio version
(12:00) Nerdvana check