Why Did We Develop Another Visual For AppSource | Industries Analytics & Applications Summit

Session 14: Why Did We Develop Another Visual For AppSource

When is it?
November 17th – 12am Los Angeles (PST), 3am New York (EST), 8am London (GMT), 7pm Sydney (AEDT), 9pm Auckland (NZDT)

How long is it?
Session will run for approximately 1 hour

Where is it?
Join in from your laptop, desktop or connected device

Who’s doing it?
Presented by Alex Kolokolov – CEO & Founder, Institute of Business Intelligence

During This Free Event, You Will:

• KPI card and pain of visual perfectionists: paddings, alignment, subtitles, etc.
• Single reference label is not enough: customers require actual v/s target, v/s previous period, and v/s something else
• Development process timeline: 11 releases during one year. Why is it so long?
• Unexpected ideas from the developer and UX designer. How to reduce the number of clicks on the way to customized KPI cards

If you have questions regarding this training, please send it to https://forum.enterprisedna.co/

#AppSource #EDNASUMMIT2022 #EnterpriseDNAEvents