Excel Random Sample From a List – #shorts

Microsoft Excel Tutorial
Excel random sample?
Excel random sample without replacement?
Excel how to random sample?
Excel random selection from list?
Excel random selection from list no duplicates?
Excel random row selection?
Excel random cell selection?
Excel random list selection?
Is there a random selection function in excel?
Can Excel randomly select from a list?
Can Excel randomly select rows?
Using Excel random selection?
Can Excel make random selections?

Table of Contents
(0:00) Random sample from Excel list?
(0:03) Analysis ToolPak
(0:07) Easier – Select 28 Rows

SUMIF Trick that Beats SUMIFS. #Short Excel Magic Trick 11

Learn how to use the SUMIF function to add numbers greater than a hurdle is a better way than if you use the SUMIFS function.
Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/SEMT0008-12.xlsx
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Excel Randomly Sort a List – #shorts

Microsoft Excel tutorial on randomly sorting a list.

Sort a list into random sequence.
Can Excel Randomly Sort Data?
Excel Create Random Order?
Excel Random Sort?
Can Excel Randomly Sort Data?
Excel How To Random Sort?
Excel Random Order?
Excel Random Order List?
Excel Random Row Order?
Excel Create Random Order?

Excel Pivot Table Total of Minimums – 2588

Excel Pivot Table – Total of Minimums – 2588

Microsoft Excel Tutorial on Pivot Tables.
Illia K asks: “Hello, is it possible to sum min values column in grand total? If I choose sum in grand total it turn column in sum of values and I just need sum of min values. can you please help?”

In this video, I show how the Grand Total of a column of Minimums is normally the Minimum value in the column.

However, using a trick from Rob Collie and a Data Model Pivot Table with two DAX Measures, I manage to Sum the Minimums in the Grand Continue reading “Excel Pivot Table Total of Minimums – 2588”

Turn Off Excel Table Formulas and Use Cell References Instead. #Short Excel Magic Trick 10

Learn how to Turn Off Excel Table Formulas and Use Cell References Instead by changing the settings in Options.
Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/SEMT0008-12.xlsx
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#exceltable #cellreference #TableFormulas #excelonlinetraining #error

Excel Data Bar – Smallest Number Longest Bar – 2586

Carlos asks how to have the smallest number have the largest data bar in Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel Conditional Formatting offers three data visualization tools. Two of them are easily reversible. But Data Bars don’t have an easy way to reverse.

Nancy Faust takes us into the “Danger Zone” as I try using a devious number format to mask negative numbers as positive numbers.

Table of Contents
(0:00) Small Number Long Data Bar
(0:14) Reversing Color Bar in Excel
(0:24) Reversing Icon Sets in Excel
(0:42) Data Bar outside cell
(1:08) Negative Values Data Bar setting
(1:24) Show Bar Only in Data Bars
(1:34) Danger Zone: Devious Number Format
(2:14) Showing Continue reading “Excel Data Bar – Smallest Number Longest Bar – 2586”

#1 Keyboard Shortcut in Excel. #Short Excel Magic Trick 09

Learn about the number #1 most useful keyboard in Excel: Alt + Equal Sign to invoke the SUM function.
Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/SEMT0008-12.xlsx
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Auto Numbers in an Excel Table with a Formula. #Short Excel Magic Trick 08

Learn how to create an auto number for records in an Excel Table using a formula.
Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/SEMT0008-12.xlsx
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#exceltable #sequencefunction #sequence #increment #indexfunction #structured #nomenclature

Excel Challenge: Most Efficient Way To REPTARRAY – 2585

Dave wishes that Excel would offer a REPTARRAY function, just like REPT but for arrays. This video shows four different ways to repeat an array N times.

Vote for Microsoft to add REPTARRAY:

Details about FastExcel: http://mrx.cl/speedv4

Here are the formulas used in the video:
If you have FastExcel V4 from Charles Williams: =REPEAT(A2#,E1)

If you have a better way, please post below in the YouTube comments.

Excel Most Efficient Way to REPTARRAY Challenge
(0:00) How to REPTARRAY
(0:51) JOIN, REPT, then SPLIT
(3:56) FAST EXCEL V4
(4:56) Vote for REPTARRAY
(5:42) Nancy Faust