Can I Sum Data in Excel that is Filtered – 2574

How can you sum data in Excel that has been filtered?
You have to apply the filter first and then AutoSum in Excel.
This video answers all of these common search terms:
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how do Continue reading “Can I Sum Data in Excel that is Filtered – 2574”

How To Sum Time in Excel – 2573

Why can’t Excel correctly sum a simple timesheet in Excel?
This video shows method 1: Choose the crazy 37:30:55 number format. Method 2: Convert the times to hours when you subtract start time from end time.

This video answers all of these common search terms:
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how Continue reading “How To Sum Time in Excel – 2573”

How to Make a Sum Negative in Excel #shorts

How to make a sum negative in Excel.
You have a sum in Excel but want a minus sign in front.
When you total checks, how do you make the sum negative in Excel?

This video answers these common search queries:
How To +/- A Sum In Excel
How To Do Minus Sum In Excel
How To Do Minus Sums On Excel
How To Make A Sum Negative In Excel
How To Make Sum Negative In Excel
How To Minus A Sum On Excel
How To Put A Total Sum As A – In Excel
How To Put A Total Sum As A negative In Excel
How To Put A Total Sum Continue reading “How to Make a Sum Negative in Excel #shorts”

Power Query Group By: Complete Lesson. 10 Examples. 365 MECS Class 16

Download Zipped Folder with All Files:
This video teaches how to use the Group By feature in Power Query. The 10 examples cover many helpful applications of how to use Group By for calculations and Data Analysis. Basics to Advanced Lessons.

This full free Microsoft 365 Excel & Power BI class is taught by Excel MVP and Highline College Professor and can be found here:

This video covers.
1. (00:00) Introduction and video topics
2. (00:32) What does Group By do?
3. (01:07) When to use Group By or other tools such as PivotTables
4. (01:44) Basics of Group Continue reading “Power Query Group By: Complete Lesson. 10 Examples. 365 MECS Class 16”

Excel Sum Across Worksheets When Rows Are Lined Up Or Not – 2572

Some call it a 3D reference or a spearing formula. If your Excel worksheets are all perfectly lined up, you can use this formula to sum across worksheets in Excel.
But if your worksheets are not in the same sequence, then you can use TOCOL, SORT, UNIQUE, and SUMIFS to solve the problem.

This video answers these search terms:
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how sum across multiple sheets in excel
how to calculate sum from other tabs in excel
how to do sum across two worksheets in excel
how to do sum of cells in multiple sheet in excel
how to get multi excel sheets Continue reading “Excel Sum Across Worksheets When Rows Are Lined Up Or Not – 2572”

INDEX & RANDARRAY Functions to Create Table of Data. # Short Excel Magic Trick 03

Learn how to create a random data set with Excel formulas that you can use for demonstrations, teaching and testing models.
Download Excel File:
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Format Total Row in Dynamic Spilled Array (Conditional Formatting) # Short Excel Magic Trick 02

Learn how to add conditional formatting to Dynamic Spilled Array Reports using Conditional Formatting.
Download Excel File:
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#conditionalformatting #formatting #ReportFormat
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How to Do Running Total Sum in Excel #shorts

Two ways to calculate a running total in Excel.
The first method is the sum of the cell in this row and the running total from above.
The second method is an expanding dynamic range.

This video answers these common search terms:
Calculate Cummulative Sum In Excel
Excel How To Do A Cumulative Sum
How To Add Cumulative Sum In Excel
How To Calculate A Cumulative Sum In Excel
How To Calculate A Running Sum In Excel Table
How To Caluclate A Cumulative Sum In Excel
How To Create A Cumulative Sum In Excel
How To Create A Running Sum On Excel
How To Create Excel Running Sum
How To Cumulative Sum Continue reading “How to Do Running Total Sum in Excel #shorts”

Using Excel To Calculate Five Number Summary – 2571

The five-number summary in Excel is Min, first quartile, median, upper quartile and Max. This video shows three ways:
Method 1: Three formulas
Method 2: LET function
Method 3: LAMBDA function

This video answers these Search terms:
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how to create a five number summary in excel
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how to do a 5 number summary in excel
how to do a five Continue reading “Using Excel To Calculate Five Number Summary – 2571”

Count Files in Folder Using Excel? Power Query!!! Excel Magic Trick # Short 01

Learn how to use Power Query in Excel to cynamically count how many files are in a folder and list file names in the worksheet.
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Power Query Group By: Basic to Advanced. 10 Examples. 365 MECS Class 16

Download Zipped Folder with All Files:
This video teaches how to use the Group By feature in Power Query. The 10 examples cover many helpful applications of how to use Group By for calculations and Data Analysis.
This full free Microsoft 365 Excel & Power BI class is taught by Excel MVP and Highline College Professor and can be found here:
This video covers.
1. (00:00) Introduction and video topics
2. (00:32) What does Group By do?
3. (01:07) When to use Group By or other tools such as PivotTables
4. (01:44) Basics of Group By feature
5. (03:41) Table.Group Continue reading “Power Query Group By: Basic to Advanced. 10 Examples. 365 MECS Class 16”