How To Create Tables By Combining UNION and ROW Functions In Power BI [2023 Update]

In this tutorial, Sam will show how you can use Power BI’s ROW and UNION functions to create tables. This flexible technique can be used with user input or imported calculations to create dynamic tables. The approach allows you to hard-code results or automatically update tables based on changes in the underlying data. With this technique, you can create custom tables to meet your specific needs and easily visualize data in new ways.

*****Video Details*****
00:00 Introduction
01:27 Using ROW to create a sorting table
02:40 Combining ROW with UNION
05:02 Segmenting customers
05:40 Virtual table
09:08 Filtering the dates table
10:11 Conclusion

***** Learning Power BI? Continue reading “How To Create Tables By Combining UNION and ROW Functions In Power BI [2023 Update]”

Dataset permissions required for App report in Power BI? What am I missing??? (Re-Upload)

Struggling with Power BI App permissions when using shared datasets? Adam looks at how this works. Even for PRO users!!!

Composit model permission blog (Older information):

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The POWER of Microsoft Lists and Power BI

Learn how Microsoft Lists / SharePoint Lists can take advantage of Power BI! Daniel walks through how easy it is to start using today!

Create a report quickly from a SharePoint list or library

Daniel Glenn:

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Continue reading “The POWER of Microsoft Lists and Power BI”

How To Create Deneb IBCS-style Performance Visual In Power BI

Using IBCS-style performance visuals in Power BI can improve communication by using clear and concise visualizations to convey performance data, making it easier for viewers to understand key metrics and identify trends. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better business outcomes. In this tutorial, Greg shows how to create IBCS-style Performance Visual using Deneb/Vega-Lite in Power BI.

*****Video Details*****
00:00 Introduction
00:50 IBCS features
02:00 Target visual
03:38 Current Year vs Previous Year
10:50 Variance amounts
24:06 Variance percent
29:20 Legend
31:40 Final visual
41:20 Summary

*****Related Links*****
Enterprise DNA Deneb Showcases –
IBCS-style Performance Visual DENEB Template and Power BI file – rel=”nofollow”>
DENEB website –
Vega-Lite website –
IBCS website –

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FREE COURSE – Ultimate Beginners Guide To Power BI –
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Enterprise DNA On-Demand –
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Creating Dynamic Outlier Trigger Points – Advanced Power BI Analysis Technique [2023]

Creating outlier trigger points dynamically in Power BI provides increased flexibility in adjusting the threshold for identifying outliers based on different scenarios and business needs, as opposed to using a static number. This allows for more accurate and relevant outlier detection, which can lead to better insights and decision-making. In this tutorial, Sam will demonstrate how you can create dynamic outlier trigger points in Power BI.


*****Video Details*****
00:00 Introduction
02:23 The goal
03:05 Sales grouping
03:30 Dynamic non-outlier sales
04:20 Parameters
06:24 Changing static formulas to dynamic
07:20 Displaying the dynamic outliers

***** Learning Power BI? *****
FREE COURSE – Continue reading “Creating Dynamic Outlier Trigger Points – Advanced Power BI Analysis Technique [2023]”

Top 10 Power BI Drill Though Pro Tips

Power BI Drill Through allows users to focus on specific details within a report by navigating to related information in a separate page or report, which helps in identifying patterns and making informed decisions. This interactivity and flexibility empowers users to analyze data more effectively and gain deeper insights.

Typically, what you see in Drill Through is a table and drill through to a detailed page. In this video, Brian shares how you can drill through other constructs of your report, and his tips on how to maximize this underrated aspect of Power BI.

*****Video Details*****
00:00 Introduction
01:59 Where to get the images
02:25 Continue reading “Top 10 Power BI Drill Though Pro Tips”

Here Are The Differences Between Connectivity, Dataset and Storage Modes In Power BI

Although this might seem basic, there seems to be some confusion between Connectivity Modes, Dataset Modes, and Storage Modes in Power BI. They’re all kind of related but they refer to different aspects of data usage.

In this tutorial, Greg is going to give a fundamental 101 and try to distinguish from one another the Connectivity Modes, Dataset Modes, and Storage Modes in Power BI. Understanding these modes can help users make informed decisions when selecting the appropriate options to optimize data usage and improve the performance of their reports and dashboards.

*****Video Details*****
00:00 Introduction
00:32 Usual misconceptions
01:13 Activating Direct Query
02:04 Connectivity Continue reading “Here Are The Differences Between Connectivity, Dataset and Storage Modes In Power BI”

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (March 4, 2023) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI!

💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public)
💥 Then… Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions)


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Want to take your Power BI skills to the next level? We have training courses available to help you Continue reading “🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (March 4, 2023) (Member Chat 2nd Half)”

The MAGIC of Microsoft Teams + Power BI

Are you using Power BI within Microsoft Teams? Daniel joins us to show the possibility of leveraging Microsoft Teams and the different ways to use Power BI.

Announcing – Embed your Power BI organizational apps in Microsoft Teams Channels and Meetings

Daniel Glenn:

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Break Out Outliers And Analyze Over Time – Advanced DAX Concepts [2023 Update]

Dynamic outliers are data points that significantly deviate from the typical pattern of the data over time. Identifying these outliers can help highlight underlying performance trends and provide insights for better decision-making.

In this tutorial, Sam shows how to identify dynamic outliers in your data set using DAX. By mastering these advanced concepts, you’ll be able to showcase underlying performance trends and gain valuable insights for better decision-making.

***** Video Details *****
00:00 Introduction
02:01 Classification of an outlier
03:48 Outlier vs non-outlier
05:15 Outlier measure
05:53 Total sales
09:05 Real-life applications

***** Learning Power BI? *****
FREE COURSE – Ultimate Beginners Guide To Power BI – Continue reading “Break Out Outliers And Analyze Over Time – Advanced DAX Concepts [2023 Update]”

Getting Crazy with the Power Query UI

Using Merge statements? Alex shows you how that can break the fold in Power Query! He’s got you covered though and shows you a different way to approach it to make folding work! Using the UI!

Alex Powers:

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Driving a Data Culture and Overcoming Challenges as a Power BI Sherpa with Thomas Martens

In this episode of the podcast, learn from the expertise of Thomas Martens, a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Solution Architect at Munich Re. Join us as he explores the role of a Power BI Sherpa in driving a data culture and overcoming challenges in organizations. With 25 years of experience delivering Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, and Analytics solutions, Tom shares his insights on using Power BI to tackle analytical challenges and apply analytical methods to small and large amounts of data. In this episode, Tom discusses the importance of Power BI in fostering a data culture, the challenges faced Continue reading “Driving a Data Culture and Overcoming Challenges as a Power BI Sherpa with Thomas Martens”