New! Copy Any Status Bar Number To Clipboard In Excel – 2449

The Excel team snuck a new feature into Excel and I didn’t realize it for a while. Thanks to Excel MVP Abiola David for realizing that you can left-click any number in the status bar to copy that number to Continue reading “New! Copy Any Status Bar Number To Clipboard In Excel – 2449”

Random Combination Of PBPBBP – 2448

Jon wants to generate 6-letter sequences using only the letters B and P.
So, for example: BBBBBB, PPPPPP, BPBPPB, BBBPPP, and so on. There are 64 such combinations and Bill shows you one way to solve this use BASE and SUBSTITUTE.
Formulas Continue reading “Random Combination Of PBPBBP – 2448”

Reverse A Column In Excel – With Mike Girvin – Duel 196

You have a column of data in Excel. You need to reverse the column, bottom to top.
How can you do this? Can you do it without a helper column?
Bill Jelen and Mike Girvin compare six ways

Table of Contents
(0:00) Description Continue reading “Reverse A Column In Excel – With Mike Girvin – Duel 196”

Find The Last One In A Series Of 1s And Zeroes With Dan Mayoh – 2445

There is a classic Financial Modeling problem in Excel. You are checking values in each month and you end up with a row of zero and one values. How can you find the last month where you have a one?
Dan Continue reading “Find The Last One In A Series Of 1s And Zeroes With Dan Mayoh – 2445”

Excel Search In Reverse (Jenny) – feat. Tommy Tutone – 2444

How can you reverse text in Excel? There is not a REVERSE function. You’ve recently seen me do this with a VBA loop. Lianna Gerrish from the Financial Modeling World Cup Semi-Finals would flip it and reverse it with strREVERSE Continue reading “Excel Search In Reverse (Jenny) – feat. Tommy Tutone – 2444”

Excel Two Way Lookup Three Ways – 2443

Matching data between two Excel worksheets where you need to match both the city and the tax rate in order to find the match. This video shows three different methods.

Table of Contents
(0:00) Welcome
(1:01) Using XLOOKUP for two-way match
(2:15) Using VLOOKUP Continue reading “Excel Two Way Lookup Three Ways – 2443”

Excel Find Last Item In List Using MATCH But Not XMATCH – 2442

There are a pair of well known Excel tricks with MATCH:
Find the last item in a long list of items that might contain empty cells.
Find the only number in a range of Error or Text values.
Excel tricksters have made use Continue reading “Excel Find Last Item In List Using MATCH But Not XMATCH – 2442”

Excel List All Lottery Combinations – 2441

Reid would like to list all 6-number combinations of the numbers 1 to 44. For example, 1-2-3-4-5-6, 1-2-3-4-5-7, and so on up to 39-40-41-42-43-44. The first thing to realize is that all lottery combinations are a lot of numbers. Over Continue reading “Excel List All Lottery Combinations – 2441”

Paste Across Computers But Not Paste All – 2440

The Windows Clipboard (in Windows 10 or Windows 11) can now sync across devices. Copy from one computer and paste to another computer! No more mailing stuff to yourself just to get from this computer to the other. (Here at Continue reading “Paste Across Computers But Not Paste All – 2440”

Solving Word Search With Excel (FMWC) – 2439

A challenging puzzle from FMWC – Financial Modeling World Cup. How to solve a Word Maze or a Word Search using Excel. This maze includes 20000 letters! You have 30 minutes to score 1000 points using Excel formulas or Continue reading “Solving Word Search With Excel (FMWC) – 2439”

Challenge How To Arrange A Seating Chart At A Networking Event – 2438

You have 100 people coming to a conference. There are 11 sessions. Tables seat 10 people each. How can you set up a seating chart for the 11 sessions so everyone has a chance to meet everyone else at least Continue reading “Challenge How To Arrange A Seating Chart At A Networking Event – 2438”