E-DAB-10: Excel & Power BI Together! Import, Publish and Share (Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics)

Download all files to follow along with video and do homework is zipped folder here: https://ift.tt/2CIlDz1
To download individual files, visit class web site here: https://ift.tt/2tW1Ibd
Pdf notes: https://ift.tt/2CF0zti

This video is an introduction to use Excel and Power BI Desktop and Power BI Online together. Learn how to import Excel Data Models into a Power BI Desktop File. Learn how to Publish Power BI Desktop and Excel Files to Power BI Online (powerbi.com). Learn how to share your reports and dashboards with others on any device using Power BI Online (powerbi.com).
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.
1. (00:12) Introduction and Overview of Goals of Video
2. (01:09) Download Files
3. (01:51) Send Excel Power Pivot Data Model & Power Queries to Power BI Desktop
4. (04:28) Create Power BI Visualizations based on Excel Data Model
5. (05:13) Sign in to powerbi.com :
6. (05:50) Create Workspace at powerbi.com
7. (06:33) Publish Power BI Desktop Report (Power BI File “.pbix”) to powerbi.com
8. (07:14) Share Report with others that they can view on any device
9. (08:10) Publish Excel file to Workspace (Worksheet Reports and Data Model)
10. (09:48) Dashboards, Reports, Excel Workbooks, Data Sets
11. (10:09) Create Power BI Report based on Excel Data Set
12. (11:26) Create Power BI Online (powerbi.com) Dashboard
13. (13:07) Summary
14. (13:47) You have completed E-DAB Class!!!!! MSPTDA is next class!

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4 Easy Steps to Improving Excel as an Office Insider – 2275

I’ve been doing it wrong! If you want to report a bug to Microsoft in order to improve Excel, there are four easy steps to elevating your “Send a Frown” to Microsoft. Follow these steps to ensure they reach a real human who can fix the bug.
Leave a comment below before March 31 to have a chance to win an Office Insider vintage distressed ball cap.

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E-DAB 09: Power BI Desktop: Data Modeling & Interactive Visualizations (Data Analysis & BI Basics)

Download all files to follow along with video and do homework is zipped folder here: https://ift.tt/2HFE8s4
To download individual files, visit class web site here: https://ift.tt/2tW1Ibd
Pdf notes: https://ift.tt/2HGLBr0

How to get Free Power BI Desktop:
i. Microsoft Download Page: https://ift.tt/1IP49OT
1. When you want to update each month, you have to re-download and re-install.
ii. Microsoft Windows Store: https://ift.tt/1T1D80M
1. This download will automatically update each month.

This video is an introduction to Data Modeling and Visualization in Power BI Desktop. Learn how to use Power Query to import Excel Files from a Folder. Learn how to build DAX Formulas. Lean how to create an entire Data Model and then build Data Model Visualizations.
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.
1. (00:15) Introduction to Power BI and Interactive Visuals
2. (01:14) Download Files
3. (01:56) Overview of Power BI project
4. (02:38) Excel PowerPivot or Power BI Desktop?
5. (04:20) Power BI History
6. (04:51) Different Versions of Power BI
7. (06:33) Download Free Power BI
8. (07:07) Open Blank File and name “.pbix” file.
9. (07:39) First Look at Power BI Desktop User Interface.
10. (08:45) Import Data into Power BI Desktop. Import many Excel files from a folder. Use Excel.Workbook Function.
11. (15:21) Import Dimension tables from single Excel Workbook.
12. (15:57) Create Relationships between Dimension & Fact Tables
13. (16:11) Create Date Table with DAX Formulas. See the DAX Functions: CALENDAR, MIN, YEAR, DATE, MAX,
14. (21:30) Create DAX Measures for Total Revenue, Total COGS, Total Gross Profit, and Total Units. See the DAX Functions, SUMX, ROUND, RELATED and SUM.
15. (27:20) Hide Tables and Fields that are not used in Reports and Visualizations
16. (28:10) Add new Tabs, Sheets, Pages (all synonyms)
17. (28:26) Create Gross Profit Interactive Visualization
18. (33:29) Create Units Analysis Interactive Visualizations.
19. (33:39) Create Hierarchy
20. (36:17) Summary

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Outstanding! Exchange Rates Debut in Excel – 2274

Just four months ago, the views of my podcast asked if Microsoft could add exchange rates in addition to the stock data type. Breaking news: Excel will now provide exchange rates for currency pairs. Type in USDEUR and get the currency conversion from US Dollars to Euro.
This is an awesome improvement from the Data Type team in Redmond.
Title card photo credit: Christine Roy on Unsplash

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E-DAB 08: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: Power Pivot: Big Data, Data Modeling, DAX & Dashboard

Download all files to follow along with video and do homework is zipped folder here: https://ift.tt/2UPsrlt
To download individual files, visit class web site here: https://ift.tt/2tW1Ibd
This video is an introduction to Data Modeling in Excel Power Pivot to create reports and Dashboards. Learn how to use Power Query to import SQL Big Data into the Data Model. Learn how to build DAX Formulas. Lean how to create an entire Data Model and then build Data Model PivotTables and Data Model Charts.
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.
1. (00:15) Introduction & Over view of entire Big Data & DAX Project.
2. (02:20) Download Files.
3. (02:57) What is a Data Model PivotTable and why Power Pivot is called “Power Pivot”
4. (04:03) Differences Between Standard PivotTable & Data Model PivotTable
5. (06:20) Average Daily Reve Example and why DAX is Easier than Standard PivotTable.
6. (07:33) Choice between: Standard PivotTable & Data Model PivotTable
7. (08:18) What is a SQL Database?
8. (09:06) Import Big Data from SQL Database using Power Query
9. (11:10) Load SQL Tables into Columnar Database in Power Pivot’s Data Model
10. (11:38) How to get into the Data Model. Into to Data Model.
11. (13:00) Create Relationships in Design View
12. (14:17) What is a Date Table? Create Date Table.
13. (18:40) Hide Column From Client Tool
14. (19:30) Overview of DAX Formulas
15. (20:58) DAX Calculated Column for Line Revenue
16. (23:42) Row Context
17. (25:55) DAX Measure to add Calculated Column using SUM
18. (27:07) SUMX DAX Measure to calculate Total Revenue without a Calculated Column.
19. (29:37) Compare and contrast Calculated Column and Measures.
20. (31:18) Create Data Model PivotTable
21. (33:22) Filter Context
22. (35:03) Create More DAX Formulas: Total COGS, Gross Profit and Percent Gross Profit.
23. (37:54) Create Dashboard for Gross Profit.
24. (40:20) Create Running Total and Average Daily Revenue DAX Measures and Final Data Model PivotTable.
25. (43:40) Summary

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How to Unhide Columns and Rows in Excel

In this short video, I cover a few ways to quickly unhide columns in Excel.

There are multiple ways to unhide columns in Excel:
— Using a keyboard shortcut
— Using the format options
— Using the name box and format options
— Using the mouse (by dragging and increasing the width)

You can read more about it here – https://ift.tt/2JpyOup

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Highlight Rows Based on Cell Value in Excel

In this tutorial, I will show you how to highlight rows based on a cell value using conditional formatting using different criteria.

This can easily be done using conditional formatting in Excel.

I cover the following examples in this video
— Highlight rows based on the text value
— Hight rows based on number value or date value
— Highlight rows that have blank cells in it
— Highlight rows based on multiple conditions

The technique here uses conditional formatting formula that checks each cell and applies the format if the result is TRUE and does not apply the format if the result is FALSE

You can read more about this and download the example file from here: https://ift.tt/2BCBIWL

Find Amazing Excel Tips & Tutorials:

FREE Online Excel Training – Video Course for Beginners


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Google+ ► https://ift.tt/2jWiOzU
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Youtube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/trumpexcel

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E-DAB 07: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: Data Modeling: VLOOKUP, Power Query, Power Pivot?

Download all files to follow along with video and do homework is zipped folder here: https://ift.tt/2Y1Aa1S
To download individual files, visit class web site here: https://ift.tt/2tW1Ibd
This video teaches how to take raw data and perform Data Modeling so that you have the correct set of Proper Data Sets that allow you to efficiently and effectively perform Data Analysis. See how to Data Model with: 1) Spreadsheet formulas, 2) Power Query, and 3) Power Pivot’s Relationship feature and Implicit Measures.
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.
1. (00:12) Introduction
2. (00:27) What is Data Modeling?
3. (01:08) Download Files
4. (01:30) Topics Hyperlink List
5. (01:50) When to use VLOOKUP, Power Query or Power Pivot Relationships for Data Modeling
6. (02:48) When to use VLOOKUP, Power Query or Power Pivot Relationships for Data Modeling when you have Multiple Tables
7. (05:05) Spreadsheet Formulas and VLOOKUP Function to create a Data Model for Standard PivotTable Reports. See VLOOKUP, Table Formula Nomenclature and PivotTables.
8. (17:43) Power Query to import Data from an Access Database
9. (24:120 Power Query and the Merge Feature
10. (28:26) Power Query to Add Columns
11. (30:03) Load Power Query Transformation to Standard PivotTable Cache and create PivotTable
12. (31:11) Power Pivot Relationships for Multiple Tables for a Standard PivotTable Report
13. (36:15) Create Data Model PivotTable
14. (38:18) Power Pivot Com Add-in. Show Power Pivot Ribbon Tab in Excel.
15. (39:15) Look at Power Pivot Data Model
16. (41:25) Implicit vs. Explicit DAX Measures
17. (43:53) Summary

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E-DAB 06: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: The Magic of Power Query to Import, Transform & Load Data

Download all files to follow along with video and do homework is zipped folder here: https://ift.tt/2VNI4Ki
To download individual files, visit class web site here: https://ift.tt/2tW1Ibd

This video teaches about the basics of how to use Power Query to import, clean, transform and load data.
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.

1. (00:12) Introduction
2. (01:14) Power Query Icon as Magic
3. (02:19) Files to download and unzip folder
4. (03:12) What is Power Query? What does Power Query do?
5. (05:19) Example 1: Import Text File to create report and chart. Then get a new Text File next month and everything will update.
6. (07:11) A complete introduction to Power Query.
7. (12:59) Two methods to update report when you get a new Text file: 1) Edit Query, or 2) Duplicate Query.
8. (15:02) Example 2: Clean Bad Data in an Excel Sheet, Load to Excel Sheet, Build PivotTable. Then add new data and refresh the Query and the PivotTable Cache.
9. (20:42) Example 3: Import multiple Text Files from Folder and Append into single Proper Data Set.
10. (20:30) Summary

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E-DAB 05: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basic: Visualizing Data w Tables, Charts, Formatting & Dashboards

Download Start Files: https://ift.tt/2H6eegF
Download Finished Files: https://ift.tt/2NMCQvB
Pdf notes: https://ift.tt/2H1RMpf
This video teaches about how to visualize in Excel with Tables, Conditional Formatting, Column and Bar Charts, Cross Tab Char (Clustered Column / Bar & Stacked Column / Bar), Line Chart, X Y Scatter Chart and Dashboards. Comprehensive Dashboard Example at end.
This class : Data Analysis & Business Intelligence Made Easy with Excel Power Tools – Excel Data Analysis Basics = E-DAB Class – Sponsored by YouTube and taught by Mike Girvin, Highline College Instructor, Microsoft Excel MVP and founder of the excelisfun channel at YouTube. This is a free educational resource for people how want to learn about the Basics of Data Analysis and Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power Tools such as, PivotTables, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and more.

1. (00:15) Introduction to topics, downloading files and visualizing examples in video.
2. (01:48) Why Visualize? Table or Visualization?
3. (03:47) Edward R. Tufte and High Data/Ink Ratio Rule and “No Chart Junk Rule”
4. (05:57) Tables Formatting Rules
5. (12:05) Conditional Formatting
6. (15:45) Column and Bar Charts
7. (24:04) Cross Tab Chart: Clustered Column / Bar & Stacked Column / Bar
8. (27:10) Line Chart: 1 Number
9. (29:47) Line Chart and IF Function for line chart that shows revenue and emphasizes promotions for company.
10. (35:40) X-Y Scatter Chart: 2 Numbers
11. (37:02) Comprehensive Dashboard example with PivotTables and Charts. Print Setup to allow printing.
12. (39:26) PivotTable Custom Style
13. (53:44) Summary

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VLOOKUP Text Numbers in Excel – Episode 2272

Troubleshooting Excel VLOOKUP. You enter a VLOOKUP but all of the numbers are returning the #N/A error. You can see the 4399 in the lookup table, but here is the difference. The number in A2 is a text 4399 and the number in the lookup table is a number. Today, a new way to solve this with just two extra characters.

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