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Office 2016 Video #10: Word Styles, Table of Contents & Send to PowerPoint (Intro To PowerPoint)

Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download files and notes at class web page:
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (00:27) Create a New Style so it is available in other documents
3. (06:50) Create Table of Contents using Header 1 Style
4. (11:26) Send Word Document to PowerPoint using Header 1 Style
5. (16:54) Create a Blank PowerPoint and add a Title Slide Layout, Design Theme to all slides, a Transition to all slides and start and stop the PowerPoint Presentation using keyboards
6. (21:50) Summary

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Further Help

I offer limited consulting services to potentially assist you with data challenges, whether it's designing a complex Excel formula, writing a macro or building a whole new process for data capture, modeling and analysis.  Contact me if you have a need.