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limiting rows in Power BI

Limiting Rows in Power BI when Creating Reporting for Big Data (Overcoming Memory Limits)

Are you working with more data than you can handle in Power BI Desktop on your machine? Work with the subset of data locally and all the data in the service without using Premium and overcome the memory limitations in the desktop application!

Watch the video below on limiting rows in Power BI in the desktop, for the step by step instructions and deeper explanation.

To summarize, Patrick is working with a data source that has 600k rows.  He adds a step in the query to keep top rows, then adds a parameter to trigger whether to bring in all rows, or a subset.  He then adds a line to utilize the parameter.  Patrick demonstrates the pull with the parameter set to A (all records), and then again using the S (subset) parameter, which pulls in only 100K records.

Patrick then publishes to the service while only having 100k records loaded and continues on to demonstrate how to change the parameter to A in the browser/published version.

He then manually kicks off the refresh in the service and once complete, shows us that all 600k rows have now been imported into the model.  Very cool and useful trick, especially when working with lots of data, especially Big Data!

Video and Tip Courtesy of Guy In A Cube:

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